Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Living Half Way Around The World..

             So it begins.  The next chapter of my life.  I took a long journey by myself to the other side of the world to be able to experience life in a different way, to learn about myself, and to make a difference.  The start of my journey started May 19th, 2012 when I graduated with my masters degree.  I sat and shook the entire day, because... that was it.  It was the end of my college career.  I was scared because all I've ever known the past 7 years was somehow related to school.  It felt so surreal walking across that fact, it still feels surreal.  I'm sure it will hit me when this fall rolls around and I'm moving half way across the country and not getting ready for another year in school.  After graduation, I took two weeks off to just relax, get healthy.. and spend time with my family before my journey half way across the world.  Two weeks went by faster than I could ever imagine, it was like the flip of a light switch and then... there I was... sitting in the Chicago O'hare airport saying goodbye to Chris while holding back my tears, but nearly peeing my pants in excitement.  Surprisingly, I made it to all my flights on time.. and met some really interesting people along the way.  Traveling by yourself is something everyone should do at least once.  The sense of freedom and independence can change your entire perspective on yourself.  Finally, I was in Cape Town.... walking out of the terminal looking like a bum, probably smelling like one too..(after 26 hours of being on planes) and looking for a man holding a sign with my name on it.  Then there he was... it all happened so fast and within a blink of an eye, I was unlocking 3 gates to this beautiful orange house where I would be living and calling home for the next two months, with 9 other people.
               My first weekend in Cape Town was filled with so many emotions and excitement.  Since I haven't started my internship yet, I have been touring the city and adapting to the culture here.  It was tough getting used to the money difference, but I think I have a handle on it now.  It has also been difficult learning military time, as that is what they use here.  It's bizarre and I'm horrible at time anyway, so I just kind of gave up and went with the flow...and still kind of am.  Surprisingly.  That's the other cool thing about living in Africa... the people here are not slaves to the clock.  They all live in the moment and everyone is so happy, even the bums.  It's completely different from back home, and way more relaxing.  Oh and I can't forget to mention the plug ins here... they are not the same as at home, and I nearly blew my head off when I attempted to blow dry my hair for the first time. Thank god I have roommates that are locals and have kindly helped my dumb american ass figure out how to use things around here.  Anyway, after taking all of that in... I decided to go shark cage diving with all of my new friends.  Now, for those of you that know me know that a.) I'm absolutely obsessed with sharks and b.)  I'm terrified of puking and especially people puking in front of me.  For most normal people, I think those two things would be switched around.  Not I.  I was like a little kid in a candy store, practically peeing my pants when 12 or so great white sharks were circling our boat.  It was the most amazing thing I have ever been apart of.  And then, once we had all been in the cage and experienced being in the water with these enormous dinosaurs.... people started getting sea sick.  Now... I bet most of you that read this would know that me in my normal state would start screaming and run in the complete opposite direction.... but instead, I handed over my towel and helped everyone that was hurling over the side of the boat.  I think Cape Town has completely changed me!!  Not to mention, I've been out and partying a lot more than normal... it feels good to act like I'm 21 again... well it does when I'm out.  But of course the next morning is always rough for me.  Not to mention that the morning we went shark cage diving I woke up with an awful hang over.  Yay me.  Anyway... my first two days this week included drinking all over Cape Town with my new friends while doing the most touristy thing you can do...riding the red bus tour.. looking like a fool.  Haaaaa.  And then also my orientation.  Later this afternoon I have a meeting with Umtha Welagna, where my internship is at.  So Until then, I'm sitting on my couch on the porch... typing this... and enjoying the beautiful sun.  Tomorrow is my first day of work and to say I'm excited would be a complete understatement.  More updates to come.  Until then.... as they say in Xhosa  "Usale ngoxolo!"

1 comment:

  1. so cool Haley! I'm so happy you made it there alright and everything is going great!
