Monday, October 17, 2011


I haven't updated in a while so here's a quick short update...

It's amazing how generous people are when it comes to this trip. I truly am the luckiest girl in the world. It's not only about the money, but the words people have expressed to me. This summer I have managed to raise a good percentage of money for my trip.. I just wanted to say thank you to all who have contributed! There are not enough words for me to verbally express how thankful I am!

I'm going to try and be a little more active on here now! Thank you again to everyone!

Peace, love & Africa :)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Ode to making a difference.

          For years I struggled with what I exactly wanted to do with my life, as do many kids my age... but within the past year, I've really gotten to know myself on a more personal level.  I started an internship as an Art Therapist working with kids who are from all over the country that unfortunately made some poor choices which led them to be in a facility treatment program dealing with issues like sexual perpetration, delinquency, victimization, alcohol and drug abuse, cognitive behavioral issues or dual diagnosis, and independent living support.  Sounds scary and intimidating I know.... but being with these kids for almost a year, has completely changed my awareness on the world, and my life in general.  Every day I would learn something new, good, bad and ugly... but I hold all of those memories and learning experiences close to my heart because I wouldn't be where I am at today without all of them.  These kids opened the door for me and showed me what my purpose is in life, and that's to make a difference.  I knew two weeks into working with these kids that this is what I was meant for, so I started my research and came across the Volunteer Adventure Corp.  I applied, got accepted and then placed at Umtha Welanga... an organization which offers a loving future to orphans in the incredible township of Khayelitsha, Cape Town. 
          Umtha Welanga has enabled hundreds of children (both those infected and affected by AIDS) to move successfully into long term foster or extended family care. For many HIV+ or disabled children, institutional care has been seen as the only option for them. It is assumed that private individuals will not take on the emotional and medical responsibility of looking after these kids. Doing my research, I have found that South Africa is currently experiencing one of the most severe HIV epidemics in the world. In less than two decades, the infection rate has increased from 1% to 15%, leaving a trail of infection, illness and buried loved ones in its wake.  There is an average of 1,000 AIDS deaths every day in Africa.... 1,000 deaths.  That means that thousands of children are being left impoverished and alone, orphaned by an illness that in most cases is already beginning to consume them as well. These children, often no more than infants, have lost not only the heads of their household, but also their sole providers of food and support. They wander homeless, plunged into poverty, often HIV+ themselves and suffering from a number of debilitating afflictions including rare types of tuberculosis, Down's syndrome and epilepsy while also falling prey to rape and abuse on the unforgiving streets.  
                My goal is to be able to take all of my knowledge, strength and passion for helping children and bring that to Africa and Umtha Welanga and give them a new outlook on life provided by Art & Music Therapy.  By using these two very effective types of therapy, I hope to alleviate the suffering and hidden emotions of these children and allow them to express themeselves with the beauty of color and music and be able to escape their illness while developing their motor and visual skills.  There is no greater feeling in the world than to provide children (who have as little as they do) with a positive view on life and a simple smile.  Stay tuned for more. 

So it begins...

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Hi All!

As many of you may already know, I have been accepted into an internship program with Volunteer Adventure Corp in Cape Town, South Africa. I am very very excited about this opportunity, but I need all of your help to make it happen! I am not departing for my adventure until June of 2012, but I want to get a head start on raising awareness about this project and getting the word out. 

Volunteer Adventure Corps is a professional internship program located in Cape Town, South Africa. It is now widely acknowledged by both students and employers
that internships (in Cape Town or anywhere around the world) are an essential part of any professional resume. The advantages of interning are innumerable. Internships give students exposure to real-time experiences that transcend the comfortable, theoretical boundaries of the typical classroom setting. Interns work alongside established professionals and meet mentors. Most importantly, interns get to preview a potential profession that they would otherwise be committing to without any prior experience.

My INTERNSHIP is at Umtha Welanga.

About Umtha Welanga:

Umtha Welanga is a small community organization which offers a loving future to orphans in the sprawling township of Khayelitsha, Cape Town. Since they opened in 2000, they have enabled hundreds of children (both those infected and affected by AIDS) to move successfully into long term foster or extended family care. For many HIV+ or disabled children, institutional care has been seen as the only option for them. It is assumed that private individuals will not take on the emotional and medical responsibility of looking after these kids. However, Umtha Welanga has shown otherwise by pioneering an effective identification, training and support system for over 100 local foster and extended families living in Khayelitsha.

I will be gone for approximately 12 weeks, Leaving in JUNE of next year. However, I have to start fundraising now because it is going to cost me about $6,000-8,000 American dollars.

My fund raising will include :

A silent Art Auction of all my Art Work

You can buy my Art Designs on apparel and merchandise at:

There will be plenty of parties and other numerous fundraisers to come as well. I will keep everyone updated!!!

Thank you again for ALL of your support!